What we do


Countries we partner with




People reached


While Africa has contributed insignificantly to the world’s accumulated historical fossil emissions, the continent is on the harshest climate frontline in the world, pummelled by floods, droughts and cyclones year after year.

Today, nearly 1 billion people on the continent lack access to clean energy. About 900 million others lack access to clean cooking. Yet Africa is endowed with abundant solar and wind conditions globally, favourable for renewable energy.

So, why is most of Africa still living in darkness? This situation is a product of structural challenges and acute energy injustice that has historically favoured the polluter and locked Africa in a state of energy poverty.

By tapping into its abundant solar and wind potential, however, Africa could become the world’s first truly zero-emissions and fossil fuel-free continent and, thus, avoid the structural traps of maldevelopment and dirty energy.

To facilitate this energy transition that caters to the energy needs of millions of underserved Africans is Power Shift Africa’s vision for a truly just transition for the continent. We do this by providing research and policy analysis to help African countries and governments exploit the opportunities presented by the renewable energy sector.

We work with various stakeholders in the energy sector including civil society organisations and networks, academia, governments and media to develop policy and practise tools, frameworks and guidelines that simultaneously address issues of energy security, universal access to affordable, reliable, people-centred renewable energy and just energy transitions in Africa.

Multilateral Climate Negotiations

Power Shift Africa works with and supports bodies such as the African Group of Negotiators (AGN) and the African Ministerial Conference of the Environment (AMCEN) to enhance their capacities and facilitate collaborative efforts.

This technical support aims to strengthen the effective engagement of these key African institutions in regional and UNFCCC processes and to shape outcomes.

PSA also works with vulnerable groups to support them with strategies, information and resources to effectively represent their interests in climate discussions and to advance the needs of the people.

By leading the African Movement Building Space, a collective of African civil society organisations (CSOs), the voice of Africans in the multilateral climate processes has been strengthened. This has effectively made our messaging for climate action louder and more authoritative but also more organised.

Sustainable development

Climate change presents one of the most significant risks to Africa’s sustainable development objectives. Improving access to modern, renewable, reliable, available and affordable energy is critical in mitigating the risks presented by the climate chaos. It will be increasingly hard to beat climate change and sustain economic prosperity without modern energy services.

We work with various partners designing solutions to the interrelated challenges of energy access, climate change and sustainable development. We engage partners in designing, developing and implementing innovative sustainable energy systems that are allowing African communities to leapfrog to low carbon renewable energy technologies thus enabling alleviation of scarcity and reducing emissions.

Climate ADAPTATION AND Resilience

Extreme weather events caused by changing climate conditions are affecting many communities in Africa. Livelihoods have been destroyed, food security affected, communities have been displaced and the overall security of the African people is at stake.

Our work builds on tapping into Africa’s unique capabilities and capacities such as huge renewable energy potential, and youthful population, co-creating and enabling environments for investments in fostering resilience to the problems presented by climate change impacts.